It’s not wrong. Not quite as much info as following the average person on socials, but it can be a lot of info at a glance.
Once had a cop show up one day, just asking about something going on in the area, and noticed an empty TV box by my trash can outside. Suggested I uh, don’t do that. Basically a big sign pointing to my house “brand new TV inside!”. Not done that since.
i mean, here you can just type the plate number into an open government website and it shows your home address. not really seeing a lot of consequences of that.
Yeah, this is more on the ‘paranoid’ end of the spectrum without being very effective. If you’re being surveiled or targeted, there’s plenty to dig up already.
No need to shrink away from expressing yourself. and this breeds a mistrust against your neighbors or community.
It kind of vibes more with the MAGAsphere’s whole the world is full of scary criminals and terrorists around every corner ready to hurt you mindset, so you’d better gun up, stay tuned into Newsmax, and not leave your house. When I think of privacy, I’m thinking of things at a societal level, corporations, governments, etc. Not oh god the guy down the street is out to get me.