MSI separated from AMD GPUs (thx gpp) so they want to promote their own, newer, NV products.
Looking at the quality of their recent releases and the markup they command, not too troubled by this. You’d have to be completely asleep at the wheel to buy an MSI PSU over Seasonic (OEM) or Corsair, Bequiet. The post sale service, at least in EU, is so MUCH better than MSi.
My old Bequiet PSU was great, fan barely ran and, according to reviews, almost no ripple. Like “Is this thing even on?” quality. Are they still good?
Same experience with my old bequiet, got SF now for a few years from Corsair, stellar. Worth every €
My last two PSUs have both been Corsair, absolutely without issue, and both are/were startlingly quiet. I have absolute faith the first one would still be ticking along just fine, if it wasn’t for newer GPUs that pretty much demand thermonuclear fusion levels of energy.
Easy solution: an ATX-24 connector on the VGA, lots of wires, sturdy connection.
Every power supply expert has stated that it’s dangerous to use any kind of extender or adapter with 12vhp
Interesting. One of these came included with the last Seasonic PSU I bought. Do you have a link with more information maybe?