Pressé de faire sentir sa présence dans l’Arctique en raison de l’intérêt croissant de puissances étrangères pour la région, le Canada accélère l’acquisition d’un brise-glaces polaire de nouvelle génération qui sera construit en grande partie à Lévis dans le cadre d’un contrat de 3,25 milliards avec le chantier maritime Davie.
It seems the US isn’t competitive in the Icebreaker business… should we keep Helsinki’s shipyard busy for our own profit?
Does Canada have any actual experience with the high enrichment necessitated by navel reactors? I thought half the point of the CANDU reactor was its very low enrichment. Otherwise the options would be either conventional or French.
Does Canada have any actual experience with the high enrichment necessitated by navel reactors? I thought half the point of the CANDU reactor was its very low enrichment. Otherwise the options would be either conventional or French.