I was tear-gassed protesting free trade. Now that Trump’s tariffs may signal the beginning of the end of globalization, do I get to say, “I told you so?"
I think realistically the best case scenario is bespoke tariffs plus resurgence in union density and militancy. Our own labor standards are too low for sustainability at this point so teaming up with other countries with similar standards would still not solve the issue at home. We’re still on an uptrend when it comes to inequality and we know it leads to instability at some threshold. We need to significantly curb the amount of money/wealth going to the top and instead direct it to the working class.
We’re Canadian. Guillotines are out. Execution pits with either rabid beavers, or bull Moose in musk with the oligarch dipped in lady Moose pheromones before being thrown in.
I think realistically the best case scenario is bespoke tariffs plus resurgence in union density and militancy. Our own labor standards are too low for sustainability at this point so teaming up with other countries with similar standards would still not solve the issue at home. We’re still on an uptrend when it comes to inequality and we know it leads to instability at some threshold. We need to significantly curb the amount of money/wealth going to the top and instead direct it to the working class.
The only way to curb wealth going to the top is taxes on their wealth/income… Tariffs help with labour outsourcing, but not with wealth inequality…
I suppose a guillotine would help with wealth inequality as well though…
We’re Canadian. Guillotines are out. Execution pits with either rabid beavers, or bull Moose in musk with the oligarch dipped in lady Moose pheromones before being thrown in.