Can blocking various tlds considered as censorship by restricing a user by saying whatever tlds they must on their domain related to blog or a lemmy instance ? Is defining a specific set of tlds as abusive accurate as anyone have the right to choose whichever tld they wanna use ?

    5 days ago

    Yes, it’s censorship. But censorship isn’t inherently bad or wrong. Go join an LGBTQ community, and start saying trans slurs. Go to a group for renewable energy discussion, and start talking about how great diesel trucks are. You would be banned, and rightly so, because censorship (aka. moderation) is necessary to protect the group from bad actors.

    What becomes problematic is when those with vast amounts of power get to decide what everyone is allowed to say for considerations other than group safety or topical relevance. What people usually mean when they say “censorship” is “moderation without reasonable justification.” Folks like Musk routinely censor anyone who’s critical of his ideals, his friends, or holds beliefs counter to his own.

    So as you consider censorship, you need to keep in mind that there’s reasonable and unreasonable censorship, and it’s up to you to decide where that line is and recognize the potential baggage that line (or lack) comes with.

    Lack of censorship ≠ less harm.