i’m here for the memes, friendship, and existential dread.
depends on where you are i guess. i don’t feel like this at all.
^this really. it took me a long time and a career change to realise that i don’t need to love my job, i just need to not hate it. i no longer daydream about stepping into traffic to avoid having to go to work. i don’t make a lot of money, but enough to enjoy my life. my work isn’t particularly rewarding, but it’s not hard and i don’t take it home with me.
similar - i worked as a chef for 14 years, wanted to step in front of a bus. got a job working IT at a high school and ended up with easy work, better pay easy hours and appreciation. cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has improved. don’t love it, but i don’t feel like i have to either.