For me it’s handy because I have multiple email accounts so I can just open Betterbird and check them all at once without having to log into several different pages.
For me it’s handy because I have multiple email accounts so I can just open Betterbird and check them all at once without having to log into several different pages.
I wonder if some sort of “Dead Man’s Switch” might be an appropriate solution for something like this? IIRC there are services that will send out messages to certain people if you don’t log in for a set amount of time, so maybe something like that could be set up to email friends/family/a lawyer/the consulate of your home country or whoever in case you get snatched?
It probably won’t be able to tell them where you are or what exactly happened obviously, but it could at least let people know something’s up.
I feel like the “getting into privacy” journey for a lot of people tends to look like a bell curve - you start off with a few apps and minor tweaks to protect you from the worst online privacy invasions, and then it gradually builds and builds until you become the sort of person that has all their cat pictures on an air-gapped encrypted server hidden in a cupboard somewhere while you use SearX to find the best mask that will confuse facial recognition cameras, and then after a while you break through and just go back to using a few apps and tweaks to protect from the worst of it again.
I use Betterbird as my main email client so I tried out the attachment searching. Searching by attachment name seemed to work well, but it doesn’t look like it searches for the text within the documents, at least not for PDFs. Not sure if there’s like an OCR extension or anything that would do it, but yeah just the base Betterbird install doesn’t do it as far as I can see.
openSUSE is right there lol
Not the above poster, but for me: it’s a slight concern but AFAIK the profiles are interchangeable so it’s pretty trivial to just switch back to Thunderbird if anything does happen.