Here’s a French article about it. It’s not a show of force, it’s a naval defense company showing off their submarine in the hopes of being granted a 60 billion dollar contract for 12 submarines that the Canadian government announced last summer.
Languages: Français, English
Pronouns: They/them
Here’s a French article about it. It’s not a show of force, it’s a naval defense company showing off their submarine in the hopes of being granted a 60 billion dollar contract for 12 submarines that the Canadian government announced last summer.
Hijacking the top comment to let people know this isn’t in response to any American threats, this is Naval Group, a French naval defense company, showing off their submarine because Canada is looking to spend 60 billion on twelve submarines. The plans for this purchase were publicly announced on July 10, 2024.
Here’s a French news article about the submarine, seeing as I couldn’t seem to find any sources in English.
You’re right, thanks for adding context. I’m immediately suspicious when a picture is posted with no accompanying news article, and my search wasn’t turning up any articles, only social media links.
That’s actually a pretty clever ad.
Honnêtement, l’Acadie est forte en maudit en matière de musique. Tellement de great artistes de par ici, surtout considérant la grandeur de la population!
French Canada you say?
I’ll suggest Ring Ring by P’tit Belliveau off his self-titled album dropped last year.
P’tit Belliveau is an Acadian from Nova Scotia, and has quickly risen to the top of the French Canadian music scene these past few years after seeing initial popularity from his early hit “Mon drapeau acadjonne vient d’Taiwan”.
An article using random reddit comments as a source should be outright ignored, IMO.
Especially when said reddit comment has since been edited and no longer reflects what’s written in the article. If you bother to follow the reddit link in the article, you’ll find someone has replied with an actual source (from France) that shows that the photos are legit, however the title of this post (and the original posts on reddit) are misleading.
This isn’t in reaction to American threats, it’s a French naval defense company showing off their submarine in the hopes of obtaining a 60 billion dollar contract for twelve submarines that the Canadian government announced last summer.