Yeah, as soon as he said “Goose, easy” I knew he was not Canadian material. Sorry, OP. Maybe try Mexico?
Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.
Spent many years on Reddit before joining the Threadiverse as well.
Yeah, as soon as he said “Goose, easy” I knew he was not Canadian material. Sorry, OP. Maybe try Mexico?
America is currently at war with us, declared abruptly and out of nowhere. They just decided one day “we want to annex Canada!”
Even if Donald’s presidency is short-lived and a new slightly saner and less stupid administration takes control, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be trusting the Americans any more.
We need to disentangle ourselves from any military dependence on such ridiculously unreliable “allies.” I’m all for this.
Ah, so this is how survival prepping goes mainstream. Not quite how I expected but I’ll take it.
They may also go down over time. They may do little spirals, or go sideways.
Donald changes his mind on these things literally hour-to-hour. That’s really great for American businesses.
If the people this monument honors are Nazis,
One name of a Nazi collaborator was found there. It’s absolutely ridiculous to leap from that to “this is a monument honoring Nazis.”
Millions of people were killed by Stalin. It’s little wonder that a few objectionable names might be scattered among them.
So you think you can come to the Canadian border waving around a dead Canada goose and you’ll be welcomed with open arms?
You’d be shot on sight. If we had any guns.