I’ve set a reminder to revisit this on April 1.
I’ve set a reminder to revisit this on April 1.
Yup. In my imaginary world companies (usually from rich Westernized nations) operating in foreign nations MUST follow the rules of their nation of origin … because there’s no fucking way they get away with some of the shit they’ve pulled and walked away from.
Because Trudeau already guaranteed extended healthcare funding for every province.
Thank you. :)
The broad Canadian public is against woke policies.
Proof please.
Read the public polling of the amount of people who support same sex marriage, it’s going down.
… and
Look at the polling numbers of the public turning against the ideology of transgenderism.
Please post the relevant polls.
Carney had nothing to do with Canada’s economy, it was Jim Flaherty.
Pfft. I was around back then and Flaherty was just Harper’s mouthpiece.
And for your information …
In practice, the (BoC) governor sets monetary policy independently of the government. Source
We’re short on time so certain decisions must be made now.
It is very important as we’ve been lazy with our naval and military procurement … because America was right next door.
We can’t count on them anymore for anything. So it’s past time to do it.
Whether or not we buy the F-35s is still up in the air.
In 2023, with $110 million in aid from the Quebec government, Davie purchased Helsinki Shipyard Oy, a shipyard located in the Finnish capital that alone built 60% of the world’s icebreaker fleet.
The yard was once owned by Russian investors and had designed a new type of icebreaker for a Russian company that was never delivered due to sanctions imposed on Moscow following its invasion of Ukraine. It is this design that will be adapted for Canada to replace the aging Louis S. St-Laurent , which remains Canada’s heaviest icebreaker in service.
The CRA hasn’t even gone after Canadian companies and citizens listed in the Panama Papers ffs.
It’s just depressing to think about all the billions the CRA could find, but are being ignored.
Rubella is commonly known as German measles. It was a big thing to be vaxxed for back when I was a kid, cause it’s super dangerous to pregnant women and unborn children.
The Cons finally apologized as well. Too little too late I’d say.
I’m glad the families have some closure at least. They deserve that.
Winnipeg police initially decided that it was not feasible to search the landfill.
As always, ACAB.
He’s a different kind of man, a different kind of economist. He has morals and does what he believes is right (every job he’s been offered he’s discussed with his wife and daughters before making a decision).
He’s honest as the day is long, and never avoids the tough questions. He doesn’t blame anyone else for his decisions, and tells it like it is when faced with political-type choices.
He’ll be able to handle Trump like nobody’s business and I suspect already has a plan laid out to do so.
I honestly don’t think there’s anyone else who could get us out of this Trumpian mess better than Carney.
I am reading Harper’s name far too often recently. I wish that scumbag would just emigrate to America already.
Why is there any obsession at all with adding Canada as a state?
Because Trump is trying to do to Canada what Putin is doing to Ukraine. Why? Because taking over a major food supply source is where the money will be at (because global warming is slowing expanding the hot zones north and southwards).
Add to that Canada’s almost unlimited fresh water supply, lots of spare hydro electricity, a fair amount of rare earth minerals, a large oil source, and a huge portion of the Arctic region (that will soon be ice-free).
Unless, and hear me out here, the Cons met with some MAGA Trump staff to work out how Trump/Musk could help them win … so Canada could be the 51st state.
So Cons get a free flight/hotel/food trip to Washington and don’t bother showing up to work?
Yeah … they don’t deserve to lead Canada.
Good. That will help small businesses, trucking companies and travellers.
And seeing as Canada paid for the whole thing we should be able to decide who pays. 👍
Like local officials in many U.S. cities dominated by the automotive industry, Michael Taylor, the mayor of Sterling Heights, is bracing for fallout from the trade war.
Mr. Taylor said his attempts to explain how tariffs work – that U.S. importers, and by extension consumers, pay the tariffs, not foreign countries – are generally “met with eye rolls, people tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about,” he said. “It’s a tough environment to try to thread truth and fact because lies just sound more appealing.”
Not unexpected. Those without facts rely only on their feewings.