exactly I was commenting on the food end of the spectrum since we only talked about it in a nutrition course, I’m not too sure about drugs but they’re probably a lot more rules
exactly I was commenting on the food end of the spectrum since we only talked about it in a nutrition course, I’m not too sure about drugs but they’re probably a lot more rules
No I took a few nutrition courses in my undergrad and they always bring up the FDA as the gold standard of how NOT to run things, its frequently laughed at and sometimes downright shocking. I don’t have specifics because I took those courses almost a decade ago now but if you’re curious you can always conpare CFIA (Canadian food inspection agency) with FDA and you’ll quickly see some clear differences.
Thats neat! I have a friend that works for Jamieson regulatory affairs, they read claims on new products and make sure they comply with our standards. I took a course a while back and we were told that in the states the burden of proof of a claim was on the FDA but in canada the regulations are much more strict, thats why a lot of products never make it over the boarder. Its pretty wild actually, thats why I said I don’t trust the FDA at all.
Ya I don’t trust the FDA at all.
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