EU already said this can’t work. It said in the rules only European countries can join the EU. But something can be worked out, no doubt.
EU already said this can’t work. It said in the rules only European countries can join the EU. But something can be worked out, no doubt.
The cybertruck can’t handle water. In this state, a bit of rain can brick the vehicle.
It’s like playing Russian roulette. A big gun, 100 chambers, one bullet. You pull the trigger, click, no bang, you get richer. Click, you get richer. Click, click, click, you are wealthy. Click, click, click, you’re a billionaire. Click, bang, your brain is splattered all over the wall. That’s the game the rich are playing. You can’t keep winning forever.
“You see, there is no kill switch, but you do have to install this software license that expires every tree months. That’s so we know you paid for the required service updates and software support.”
“But if you don’t give a license, the plane doesn’t fly!”
“Well, yes, but we can’t shut it down remotely so it’s technically not a kill switch.”