First would be to avoid interactions with the police - drive extra carefully, don’t let your vehicle inspection/registration expire, etc. It’s probably no longer safe to stand in the day labor zones. If they’re working under fake credentials, it might be better to find a cash paying individual to hire them as an independent contractor. Feel out your school district - mine has said they won’t be reporting anyone as undocumented. They have started referring people for excessive absences the last couple of years (that’s about getting butts in seats for funding) so you probably want to avoid getting sent to truancy court.
First would be to avoid interactions with the police - drive extra carefully, don’t let your vehicle inspection/registration expire, etc. It’s probably no longer safe to stand in the day labor zones. If they’re working under fake credentials, it might be better to find a cash paying individual to hire them as an independent contractor. Feel out your school district - mine has said they won’t be reporting anyone as undocumented. They have started referring people for excessive absences the last couple of years (that’s about getting butts in seats for funding) so you probably want to avoid getting sent to truancy court.