It’s important to never let the monsters hide behind their masks. They want passive compliance; never give it to them.
It’s important to never let the monsters hide behind their masks. They want passive compliance; never give it to them.
What tariffs? This pathetic sack of shit keeps changing his mind about whether or not he’s even imposing any.
Good resources to start with:
Remember that small acts of resistance build big acts of resistance. Every time someone stands up, a few more people stand up next time. Don’t sit around waiting for “the revolution” or “the general strike” or whatever other thing feels “big enough” to you. At that point you might as well just be waiting for the rapture. You build heaven one brick at a time.
And equally importantly, getting involved in the small acts of resistance gets you connected to the people who are doing things. The first part of organized resistance is organizing and that’s never going to happen by sharing a meme or two. You need to get into the Signal chats, and the person to person networks where the real action is being talked about, mostly offline. So signing up to protest against book removals at your local n library might not feel like “doing enough” but it’s how you get started. Things will move from there.
Search around for any kind of leftist resistance happening in your area, no matter how small. Get involved at the local level. It will make a difference.
Does someone need to sit this guy down and explain the concept of linear time to him?
Unfortunately, militaries are built around getting people to follow orders regardless of how they feel about them.
Many of the Russian soldiers invading Ukraine had Ukrainian family members.
Yeah, I was briefly starting to like him again. Reality always comes crashing back in at some point.
Listen, Canadians are very, very aware that we’re Poland in 1936 right now.
We are literally begging Americans to wake the fuck up and realise this too, and hopefully stop this insanity before it gets that far.
Yeah, we’re cutting out every American product we reasonably can.
You can’t, but you have to try anyway. All of this is just buying time anyway, until the American either decide to get rid of him or dive headlong into being a fascist dictatorship.
It’s not about winning, it’s about making them clearly state their intentions.