The discrepancy is because you looked up the noun, censorship. The censorship being referred to here is a legally defined term which is when the Government censors information;
The term censorship derives from the official duties of the Roman censor who, beginning in 443 b.c., conducted the census by counting, assessing, and evaluating the populace. Originally neutral in tone, the term has come to mean the suppression of ideas or images by the government or others with authority.
Look up censorship in a law dictionary and you’ll see the difference.
The only type of censorship that you have protection from is from the government. For example your employer can censor you completely legally. They can tell you that you’re not allowed to say certain things and if you do you can lose your job. All of that is perfectly legal. If the government does the same thing it’s illegal.
That’s the difference. Casual censorship versus Governmental censorship.
A setting that pulls information from the clear net should be up to the user and not a default setting, IMO.