Oh, I’m also First Nation from my mom’s side. Go ahead, treat yourself with some casual racism only you americans have the secret of!
Oh, I’m also First Nation from my mom’s side. Go ahead, treat yourself with some casual racism only you americans have the secret of!
Fuck all of them. When you associate with a fascist, you become a fascist, and when you defend someone who associates with a fascist, you also become one. Gretzky was good a playing a kid game, doesn’t mean he’s not a total asshole, fuck him.
Now that’s pretty low, even coming from an american. I picture you acting like trump, when he mocked that disabled reporter.
Did he just finally figure out that tariffs can go over 100%? Lol, the dairy exportations are small anyway, but that will certainly ruin a few american businesses. What’s next will he threaten 500% tariffs on Canadian bananas?
You have a pedophile prez because you didn’t vote lol.
I wont go until we can piss on his grave as part of a tourist attraction.
Naah , you just did, nazi-enabler. Incapable of anything else than insulting, just like donald.
created an image in your head of me that could not be further from the truth.
What? That your president is a pedophile and a nazi? That the entire world is against the US? I
You say fuck trump but you use his exact rhetoric lol; insults, bullying, etc. While he calls my Prime Minister a governor you call me an american and laugh, he calls his opponents stupid, you use middle-school jokes “inGeSt toO mUcH leAD?” to insult me. All of these could literally have been use by your pedo-president.
It’s actually the americans that live in a fantasy world that could not be further from the truth.
Dude you sound so much like Trump it’s pathetic. No wonder the entire world hates every single one of you stupid arrogant fascist. Flash news, nazis lost in the end, it will be my pleasure to take care of as many of you fat-ass as I can. Also, someone should check your hard-drive for pedo-porn, but you’re in the usa so you’re probably fine lol.
Because I’m not american and only under-educated people don’t know the difference between usa and Canada.
I’ve travel the world, live in Europe for 6 years and haven’t met a single person who didn’t know the difference between Canada and USA.
But even if it was the case, that would only mean tons of people are geographically illiterate then. The First Nation people didn’t magically became Indians because a bunch of idiots thought they were,
Stupid and proud of it is the new norm, lol. You american ?
Funny but I will die before anyone can call me an american, that I can guarantee.
Pedo-Donald will try to annex Canada. For the first time of my life I’m considering getting a gun. We cannot trust conservatives anymore. Poilievre and mostly Ford are just playing the though guy card now to negociate a position, mark my words. Be prepare to fight.