Trade what they want
Trade what they want
Rich men north of Richmond?
Go ahead, then, explain to me the issue with my comment. Where is your dividing line where supporting Elon was ok? Or do you just not think he’s a sex pest? What’s triggering you?
If youre busy paying attention to who he is trolling rather than what he actually does, you will never ever ever ever be able to defend against con artists like Elon and trump.
If (b) is your argument then you should have no problem today with Tesla. If you have a problem today, you cannot use (b)
(A)…I’m pretty sure you’re agreeing with me but with a disagreement tone? “There were plenty of signs” “should have noticed them”…yep, we agree.
Fuck off dude
They made a stupid mistake ten years ago when they bought a car from a conman sex pest pedo-guy.
Edit: I assume every downvote is some poor fool who fell for Elon, and I’m sorry for you :'(
Yeah it was stated in the state of the union too