Ommigod, these kids :)
SVG comes XML (a more coherent/simple version of the SGML that is behind HTML), and specifically from a time where people took XML and made it hyper-complicated with a flurry of extensions and specifications (look up “xml namespaces” “xslt” “xml schema”).
The most apparent difference between SGML and XML is than in the former you write tags like <br> without a corresponding </br>, and in the latter you have to close them like <br/> (which is shorthand for <br></br>).
So… today you learned that what you learned earlier today was close to truth, but not true :)
PS: A lot of document formats are undercover/zipped XML (eg. the libre office documents, IIRC microsoft’s .xlsx and .docx). This is not dissimilar to how json/yaml are widely used today.
I tried adding backslashes to escape, it still looks fine on lemmy.ml but your app may be bugged (and possibly vulnerable to xss? can you see the script block after the closed bracket?) <script>alert(‘you should not see an alert’)</script>