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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2021


  • Forbid electricity and oil export. We can use the cheap electricity and cheap plastic, aluminium, steel production to undercut everyone else on price for manufactured goods. Then make US finance holding canadian asset squeal by throwing every trick at them until they liquidate to canadian owners at a steep discount. Mop up any unemployment with a massive housing building and infrastructure program. For the next four years, every productive investment is going to be free. Start that money printer.

    If americans look at us wrong, ration potash exports, especially during planting season.

    Also reneg that anti satellite weapon agreement and purchase 50x top of the line french launch vehicles, develop a kessler doomsday weapon thwt will make space unusable for 500 years, to be ready to launch the instant an american tank crosses tge border.

    Make national universal healthcare because provinces have trying to kill and privatize their public healthcare.

    That and massively boost trade with China, SEA Africa, BRICS everyone.

    Not that I need to provide any solution just to have the right to point out the current bad, do nothing, appeasement strategy

  • There is no going back, there will not be negociations, the americans want to loot us and it’s just a matter of not letting them. There will not be adults in the room and this “be nice Donald and keep your yapper shut until we have talks” is worrying if sincere and insulting if cynical. In either case it exposes this guy as the obvious empty banking mercenary suit that is almost certainly is. This is once again liberal just handing over all the ammunitions to the “bad cop” of this “two party one system” so we can get reamed for 4 years of Donald while they keep their hands clean.

    The establishment is making them bet that “now that we’re under attack we’ll rally around the flag and not elect a system-smashing demagogue”. That’s how they WANT to lose.

  • On the contrary I think we should be buying enough top of the line ATGMs to give American tank columns the “ukrainian welcome” when their tanks are stuck in 401 traffic.

    I am offended by how bad this Carney guy is playing the liberal “head-in-the-sand” “if we don’t move maybe the predator will go away”

    Obviously another excuse to give us absolutely nothing and let smol PP le poilus have his stupid slogans about housing costs while Carney gets tangled, failed in advance fake negociations with the americans.

    He thinks just taking down the woke flag and cutting carbon tax is enough, he is sadly mistaken. In fact, I cannot believe any competent political operator could make this mistake. They know very well to bleed us dry and if that means the convervatives meat-heads will be the ones to do it, that’s all right with them too. Either way their stock portfolio will be fine, Canadian or American.

    Don’t mistake my criticism of this empty suit as support for any of the other awful, do nothing political parties.