Post title: “ban X” — an insane idea that is not going to happen.
The petition: “stop using X” — a good idea that they should’ve done already.
insufficiently careful not to snub the goddess
Post title: “ban X” — an insane idea that is not going to happen.
The petition: “stop using X” — a good idea that they should’ve done already.
Would you ban the broadcast of CBS News as well?
Canada should not ban individual social media services one at a time. It can’t be justified, constitutionally or morally. Canada should instead pass a privacy law that prohibits the surveillance capitalist dirty tricks that make them profitable, and design regulations that require interoperability.
Of course that would require a government capable of designing good tech regulation, which we don’t seem to have much chance of seeing around here any time soon.
“President Trump will work with any ally or partner who understands the dangerous world inherited after the disastrous Biden years”
a whiff of Führerprinzip coming from the White House
I’m watching on cpac.
Good speech from Chrétien, considering he’s 90 years old although the people yelling “woooo!” after every other sentence should maybe calm down a bit.