I wish it were that easy in the US.
Yep. Most websites make it intentionally difficult to reject this stuff by giving you a single “ACCEPT ALL” button and then burying each individual actual setting behind multiple menus and dropdowns, some of which are deliberately obfuscated, sometimes with odd color choices for the toggle that make it difficult to determine whether the option is actually on or off.
Some websites offer a “Reject All” option, but they are few and far between.
Go outside and talk to several random people. That’s the average person.
Yes, but the average person doesn’t give a shit about the technical definition. You know what is meant, don’t be pedantic about it.
I’ve taught my kids that they are under no obligation to participate in such pointlessly performative acts. I have my brother to thank for that, he defied the pledge when he was in high school. It planted a seed for me.
Freeware = Free software
Technically true.
I should! Just gotta grab her wedding ring so I can size a ring for her!
Seriously though, we actually joke about that all the time. We were good friends back in high school (way back in the 2000s), but “took the long way around” (long story), then reconnected and finally got married a couple years ago. Worked out great.
My wife was digging around under our bed for something and asked me to help pull her out, so I ran up and cried “oh no step-wife, you’re stuck” and briefly dry humped her (don’t worry I pulled her out). She said she bruised her ribs from laughing so hard 😂
My coworker is an air force vet. I just told him, with zero context, “it wasn’t the war thunder forums this time”. He closed his eyes, sighed, and shook his head, then went back to what he was doing.