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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • Has anyone got gmail or outlook working via SMTP in the past couple years? I was using the former with emacs gnus and then it started demanding additional auth that I couldn’t provide via a simple file, then in the past 6 months the latter stopped letting me log in.

    My ~/.gnus file was like this -

    setq user-mail-address "my.name@hotmail.co.uk"
          user-full-name "My Name")
    (setq gnus-select-method
          '(nnimap "outlook"
               (nnimap-address "imap-mail.outlook.com")
               (nnimap-server-port 993)
               (nnimap-stream ssl)))
    (setq smtpmail-smtp-server "smtp-mail.outlook.com"
          smtpmail-smtp-service 587
          gnus-ignored-newsgroups "^to\\.\\|^[0-9. ]+\\( \\|$\\)\\|^[\"]\"[#'()]")

    ~/.authinfo (encrypted with gpg) -

    machine imap-mail.outlook.com login my.name@hotmail.co.uk password **** port 993
    machine smtp-mail.outlook.com login my.name@hotmail.co.uk password **** port 587

    I think I might need to start hosting my own email server because every authentication option on these services requires some extra step or fingerprinting that gnus can’t provide. Maybe I should give up and try Thunderbird to see if that would work.