I took this as how do you install them so you can close and lock the doors at all. There are so many where you have to push the walls apart or lift the door with your foot before you can lock it
Physics and Free Software
I took this as how do you install them so you can close and lock the doors at all. There are so many where you have to push the walls apart or lift the door with your foot before you can lock it
Some people like to talk to each other. Like people who are people?
Level of experience is itself relative
Allow me to introduce you to Wheaton’s Law
I for one welcome our rust overlords
Find an attic to live in and start writing a diary
Do they know everything about you minute to minute? Email to email? I can imagine that is data they might want to have. The data you are presently creating. You always have a footprint, but you can always make your feet smaller while you walk. Or some better allusion. Leave me alone.
Tired of Gmail? Switch to Kmail!
At the end of the day, your parents are your parents not your kid’s parent. You raise your kid the way you feel best.