nuclear subs always give me gundam carrier ship vibes
JT was just in France as one of his last acts as PM. Mere days later this bad boy shows up in a Halifax harbour. 🤔🤔🤔 Merci a la belle France 🇫🇷🤝🇨🇦
Vive la France!
This isn’t a show of force, it’s a demonstration for Canada who is planning to buy a number of these submarines from France.
I mean, they’re not mutually exclusive. Nobody was about to start openly threatening the Americans, but having French forces around and mulling over defence deals with France sends a signal.
We don’t know what Macron and Trudeau talked about, but accelerating things like this in light of the new reality could well have been part of it.
You’re right, thanks for adding context. I’m immediately suspicious when a picture is posted with no accompanying news article, and my search wasn’t turning up any articles, only social media links.
Yes, this old news is about a nuclear-powered attack submarine, not necessarily a submarine that can nuclear-attack.
Australia watching on with regret.
right?! gawwwwwwd we’re so fucking captured
Morrison is such a dickhead.
Morrison knew what he was doing, the sub deal was to poison the chalice before Labor gained the majority.
Unfortunately for the walking sack of salmonella and shitty curry, his wrangler (Murdoch) managed to sway the election enough to get the LNP back in power.
I have actually met Morrison in person once (friends of friends of friends) and he is a fucking moron but JFC he’s at least a brain cell or two ahead of Dutton
I dunno … Dutton seems smarter, but more evil. Morrison just seems like a brainwashed idiot who’s failed upwards. I don’t know how anyone looks at the screaming void of evil that is Dutton and thinks “yeah that thing has my best interests at heart … or a heart”
They’re just two different flavours of evil, Morrison is a happy clapper pentecostalist “God favours the rich” evil and Dutton is an ex-corrupt cop who wants authoritarianism under his rule evil.
They both don’t have the critical thinking to realise the damage they do or why men like them shouldn’t hold positions of power, but Dutton following right out of Trumps playbook despite international backlash is a pretty good case for dumb-as-fuck syndrome.
But I agree, it’s absurd that we have these stooges running for parliament I don’t know how we got here…
I’m still not entirely sure how Australia seemingly wound up with a modified Westminster system that was worse than the original, genuinely pretty impressive.
Arguably at least we have proportional representation. FPTP sucks.
at least we have proportional representation
Only in the Senate. And only on a per-state basis, so it’s only as proportional as “a proportion of 6” can be…which is much less proportional than a proportion of 40, like if the Senate were done nationally.
We knew that BEFORE the election and yet elected the LNP anyway, fuck voters.
Could be worse, you could be a murican ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Lamp Oil, Rope, Nuclear Subs? You want it? It’s yours, my friend. As looong as you have enough Euros.
Khajit has wares, if you have coin.
France manages to get a sub to us before the UK even deigns to comment. That says it all. Merci beacoup!
Well done on falling for the propaganda
Propaganda to do better for our country is needed at this point. Trade wars are a’comin, best to have a large movement to weather the storm.
And unfortunately might only be a few winners,
Hijacking the top comment to let people know this isn’t in response to any American threats, this is Naval Group, a French naval defense company, showing off their submarine because Canada is looking to spend 60 billion on twelve submarines. The plans for this purchase were publicly announced on July 10, 2024.
Here’s a French news article about the submarine, seeing as I couldn’t seem to find any sources in English.
I had real good tingle feels imagining France showing up on our coast during this part of history.
A real “we got you bro” moment in my imagination.Le sad.
Naval Group, a French naval defense company
Ah shit, that’s the same company Australia had a deal with to buy diesel subs, before our fuckwit former PM reneged on the deal to create AUKUS and buy American nuclear subs.
I’ll take both reasons as canon, thank you very much
I’ll take both reasons as cannon, thank you very much
without cannons, how will they fight?!?
Weird that they specify “conventionally powered” in the Canadian article since this is a nuclear powered sub.
I’m pretty sure that’s a Suffren class, and there’s both diesel and nuclear powered versions. Dunno how I’d tell from the outside, and don’t think the caption is necessarily all that trustworthy.
I think it’s because many nations with subs have nuclear-powered vs diesel-powered. Diesel doesn’t have the vast capabilities to stay underwater for months like nuclear does.
I don’t know if that’s a mistake. It might not be a nuclear sub, just a sub which has nuclear weapons capabilities ( though obviously not this particular sub because it’s still in the hands of a defence contractor ( I hope ) ).
Could have imagined this happening as little as 3 years ago.
An ally sending a nuclear deterrent into our waters as a message/warning to the US. This normally happens to countries like Iran or North Korea
Still hasn’t happened. This was a sales pitch for a Canadian defence contract.
Hey. Guess what? At the moment, we’re the bad guys…
At the moment? When was there ever a time the US weren’t the bad guys?
Briefly the us was the good guys when we killed a bunch of slavers and then when we killed a bunch of fascists. Those were exceptions to the rule though.
Looks at founding fathers… Yeah killed the slavers. Puts blanket over Native Indians. Hides Chinese rail workers under rug. Renames Irish “Indentured workers”
They also killed the Nazis, except for the ones that were useful, of course.
I kinda root for them in the war of independence
To be accurate, this is a nuclear propelled attack submarine. It does not carry nuclear warheads and is not what we normally call a “nuclear deterrent”.
I believe you, but do you have a source? That’s a pretty big distinction when you’re calling it a “nuclear attack submarine”!
Let’s go! France is here to protect Canada!
Na, they’re just finishing the 7years war-round 2
Idk about that. Other commenters have better explanations that aren’t sensational.
Would a french submarine wear its hat like this:
or like this:
The top one looks like he got hit on the head.
Asking the real questions
Holy shit I laughed out loud…
Finally. Letting the French keep a little bit of Canada pays off.
Pointing “am I a joke to you?”
The scale of these things is always fascinating. They’re always much larger than I think they are.
For reference, I think that’s a Suffren class, making it just shy of 100m, or a tad longer than a football field for my fellow Americans.
The previously-mentioned French article says it’s a Barracuda, but I don’t know if that’s a model or a class.
And unsurprisingly, he also decided to offer the Royal Canadian Navy its “premium” model, the Barracuda, rather than the Scorpène.
The Barracuda is (apparently) an export variant of the Suffren and is indeed a little shorter but still over 300 ft long.
perchance, banana for scale?
It’s a football field, Micheal. How big could it be, a banana?
It’s there, but hard to see.
Canadian football fields are 100m, so just the right size for us!
CFL fields are 110 yards, which is about 100m. Close enough I guess :)
Don’t tease me!
NOBODY backs an American Revolution like the French!
“Bring it” - France probably
I believe it’s “Le Bring it”
But I’m le tired…
Take a nap zen fire ze missiles!
Here’s a French article about it. It’s not a show of force, it’s a naval defense company showing off their submarine in the hopes of being granted a 60 billion dollar contract for 12 submarines that the Canadian government announced last summer.
I’m going to guess a shipyard
Fuck yeah.
Important note: The “Nuclear” in “Nuclear attack submarine” means that it is powered by a nuclear reactor. It does not refer to its armament. An “attack” submarine means it is designed to attack ships and other submarines and these are typically not capable of carrying and launching ICBMs. Nuclear-armed deterrent submarines are called Ballistic Missile Submarines.