It’s a French sub though so it probably only fires gag missiles that just have a white flag on a stick at the tip.
Jokes aside can you smoke on a sub? Cause I know a lot of the French still habitually smoke cigarettes and I imagine that would do a number on the oxygen system. Let alone the dangers of possibly setting fires in a pressurized container deep underwater.
It’s a French sub though so it probably only fires gag missiles that just have a white flag on a stick at the tip.
Jokes aside can you smoke on a sub? Cause I know a lot of the French still habitually smoke cigarettes and I imagine that would do a number on the oxygen system. Let alone the dangers of possibly setting fires in a pressurized container deep underwater.
oh wow got any more stereotypes in your comedy bag? aw hon hon! baguette!
Sure. Who do you want me to sterotype or make fun of?
Wild comment
Nobodys got a sense of humor anymore it seems.
In this day and age, who can afford one?