Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
You people are lost. It’s only a matter of time before one of you gets hurt or killed because you’re defacing private property.
You have absolutely no clue what their political beliefs are simply from the car they own. Half the Tesla’s I see every day during my commute have “anti Elon Tesla club” stickers on them. Some have stickers that say “I bought this before he lost his mind” or some other variation.
I can guarantee you there are Tesla drivers out there right now that have no love for Elon but don’t have any identifiable stuff plastered all over their car. By vandalizing their car you’re just more likely to turn those people against you.
I don’t drive a Tesla and I think Elon is a huge twat, but I think your plans on vandalizing random peoples stuff who you have no idea about is ludicrously insane behavior.
I don’t understand your original comment at all. What about my original comment made you respond with “look it’s a cosplay patriot flag”?