now canada needs to invest in proper public transportation, so in the future people wouldn’t need to buy a car just for day to day life.
“Open the door to Chinese EVs” isn’t a simple solution because it has wider reaches than restricting Tesla-imports. There’s a reason Germany just effected tariffs on chinese EVs, namely because they are arguing that as china subsidizes their EVs, naturally non-subsidized local companies could never be price-competitive.
I don’t know how that situation is in canada, but I bet similar things have to be looked at.
I like the solution, but it’s not a simple one.
I think Europe or Canada should make EVs, and Greenland being given incentives to tap into their minerals to feed the materials necessary for the project. Greenland gets closer to independence, and whoever makes the cars gets to piss on Musk. Win-win, no need for the risk of CCP becoming too influential within democratic governments.
…While trade is a good thing, I think that maintaining at least a moderate level of manufacturing industry and sciences within your nation or cultural sphere to be very important. Just in case things get weird, like how 2025 has been.
Greenland being given incentives to tap into their minerals to feed the materials necessary for the project.
Greenland gets closer to independence
Colonial provinces supplying strategic resources to their European occupier has rarely made them more independent.
You work with what you have, not what you want. Greenland has fish, minerals, and a strategic position. Minerals is probably the best bet, because everyone needs the stuff, so you get to pick who you trade with.
You work with what you have, not what you want
Great euphemism for “I want your country to become a colony”
Is china the only other country that makes EVs?
No but I think they’re the cheapest. It’d be a good start. At this point any alternative would be I guess
Yeah how do you think it’s the cheapest? They have the most clever engineering methods or something?
No. It’s cheap material, cheap labor, concessions on everything.
Yeah how do you think it’s the cheapest? They have the most clever engineering methods or something?
Your comment reads super racist, implying that for some reason China can’t possibly have more clever engineering methods. As a matter of fact it does have said methods. The latest technology in battery manufacturing comes from china, and they have the most mature EV industry in the world.
That was not what they said. You sound like a shill
Yeah how do you think it’s the cheapest? They have the most clever engineering methods or something?
How is this not racistly dismissive of the possibilities of Chinese manufacturing (China being the most industrially productive country in the planet)
No. It’s cheap material, cheap labor, concessions on everything.
Actually the materials and quality are comparable to what you get from Western automakers, the difference in labor price is because Western countries keep their currencies strong in order to import things from countries like China where the currency is weak. Changing that dynamic would threaten the entire system of unequal exchange that benefits Western nations.
Please please please…BYD is making super cheap Tesla killers. I’d love to get my hands on one.
Yay! Slave labour!
So stop all imports?
Did I say that?
Only reasonable conclusion from your former argument. If you wanna stop car imports from china, you may as well stop food products from Latin america, Africa and Ukraine, clothes from southeast Asia, cars from China (not just electric ones)… Basically all consumer products.
That would be like replacing evil with another evil. CCP are not angels.
But they sell cheap EVs, aren’t threatening to invade, and Musk’s Swasticars can’t compete. It’s just economic pragmatism.
Use the Chinese EVs while building up local infrastructure. If Canada wants native production it won’t happen overnight, but if it doesn’t make a deliberate and significant push for it it’s simply never going to happen at all and you’ll always be importing from, and therefore dependent on, someone.
Haha they are most definitely threatening to invade other nations
Canada has literally participated in the invasion of multiple other nations in living memory. Frankly the CPC should refuse to engage with Canada on moral principal.
Yes, more Chinese infrastructure, that phones home and can be turned off remotely, with a switch, is definitely what the West need.
I welcome my new Chinese overlords…they at least give you healthcare.
I heard they no longer give healthcare. Guess who they copied from.
“I heard”. Nice source you got there m8
and thats any worse than US tech because?
The US doesn’t throw your sorry ass in prison for calling the leader a bad name. Pull your gigantic head out from within your deep cavity.
To be fair; not yet.
As much as I agree that Winnie pooh is evil, and that we should never want to rely on any Chinese infrastructure or product,the US is currently speed running off a cliff towards something possibly worse than China.
china is in a slow collapse, relatively speaking, they are at least aware of thier population issue currently, but not do much about it.
Oh it is. China too is on its way out and I don’t think they have much options to stop it. The US could be awesome but people for some reason keep praying to CEO’s
Oh no, I mentioned China, so .ml weirdos come knocking
Who said it was worse? Why did you imply that?
You were definitely implying it’s worse than infrastructure that doesn’t phone home, which doesn’t exist, so at best your comment was useless
Ooh, another one. Do you have alerts set up anyone mentions China?
Yes, that’s part of my job.
Or just fix public transit for fucks sake. Evs are a distraction from the problemm
101% this. Driving my mates and I yesterday on a completely packed 4 lane highway. 90% of cars were a single driver, no pasangers.
Even if we exclude tradie vans and utes who ill assume are at least transporting tools and gear, if every one of those vehicles carried 1 other person or chose to bike instead ( Christchurch, New Zealeand, we have good biking infrastructure also a bike path that follows the length of the highway) or even take the bus (public transport is pretty good) we would see an instant 50% reduction in traffic over night.
Did traffic get worse in nz in the past few years? When i was there there was absolutely no traffic but to be fair i mainly went to the rural parts so maybe i just missed it. Even so the larger cities could be connected by public transit, especially when theres a 10 hour drive from one city to another one, a train there would be much more comfortable. Its basically a straight line as well so the train could go pretty fast withoutnany big sacrifices. Idk tho i only spent 3 weeks there, not an expert by any means.
Traffic can be absolutely awful in NZ. Largely because there are a lot of natural choke points which don’t allow for wide roadways, and the investment in large road infrastructure has not kept up with the need. Auckland traffic is abysmal, as it is essentially one large north-south column with a few trunks.
Christchurch isn’t bad, but the highways through the city have a lot of lights and with the traffic load it can take a long time to get places. It’s a lot like Winnipeg, it doesn’t have freeways to get you around quick without stopping constantly.
Someone’s doing the happy hunny dance…
please explain to me how “haha Chinese president closed eyes” depicted above isn’t racist.
I have a better alternative: invest in viable alternatives to driving! expand protected bike lanes, build the damn high speed rail, more trains, trams and bus lines. One more asphalt lane for cars wont solve traffic problems :)
Love this idea; however, bringing Chinese cars is like applying pressure to the wound… fixing public transportation is the long term healing process.
1 - They are not mutually exclusive, bring the Chinese cars now while starting on the long term public transportation projects
2 - The Federal gov can act on the Chinese cars now… public transportation is 100% Provincial purview so an entirely different team needs to address this other priority
China isn’t our friend. The whole ‘make it more financially appealing for the world to not war’ is not working. China isn’t influencing the world to be decent and at peace. They’re Putin’s allies and therefore our enemies.
Yeah China feeling more emboldened to invade Taiwan and talking about wanting to send in troops to gain experience in Ukraine shows they are looking to fill in the power vacuum left by the US and become US 2.0.
More like Russia. 2.0
No, absolutely not like Russia 2.0 The Chinese are taking a completely different approach to the Russians. The fact that people still think the Chinese are stupid is unbelievable…
Tell me more (genuinely)
Without China, Russia would no longer be able to act. The economy etc. would have collapsed completely long ago without China. China therefore has control over Russia and not vice versa. (Even North Korea now has more to say than Putin…) So China is tackling the global battle via cyberwar and economic warfare. It is also a way to overthrow other countries without war and the West is dependent on China. China is not sending its country back a century, but into the future. They are not rushing into a senseless and stupid war, but are waiting until the stupid Russians burn through the capacities worldwide with the Ukraine war. They are also waiting until America splinters completely and possibly takes Europe with it. It is absolutely not comparable with the brainless MeatGrindr bullshit from the Russians.
I’m not saying that China won’t start a war, but they won’t do it as stupidly as the Russians. China is thinking several years ahead. Just future-oriented.
So apart from nuclear weapons, China is much more dangerous for the West
If that’s the case then why are we still trading with China? Why isn’t tiktok banned? Russia is being openly punished and rejected but China, apparently so close with them, are not?
I understood that capitalism, despite it’s flaws is the way the world has decided to prevent wars. If countries are so intertwined financially it can’t be of benefit to either party to war. If China values our business they won’t fuck with us. If Chinese companies and parties own interests in our country they won’t destroy it or even act against us, as aside from anything else we can sanction them by taking this property without any renumeration.
Because we have democratic laws and, as I said, China is not stupid but acts within the law (apart from cyberwarfare). The results of all this can now be seen with Trump, who is completely destroying democratic values. It is also enough to look at the technological difference between China and Russia. China also produces all the measurement while our measurement is also produced there. Underestimating the Chinese or comparing them with Russia is simply unrealistic.
Let’s wait and see the results of Trump policies. In the end, the citizen has the last word when he starts the civil war.
Btw. The tiktok ban showed how loyal the American population is to the Chinese government.
Replacing nazi cars with slave labor cars is a pretty fucked up idea.
Pretty much anything that you’ve ever owned has been made from the exploitation of some working class somewhere. The clothes you wear. The house you live in. The electronics that you use. The furniture that you own. The very food you eat and drink is often cheap because of an exploited worker somewhere that’s paid pennies on the dollar. Your going to draw the line at a drastically cheaper car that’s leaps and bounds better for the environment than a petrol vehicle? Okay.
EVs are definitely better for the environment than ICE powered cads. But they won’t singlehandedly solve climate change, let alone all the harms when places prioritize single occupancy passenger cars at the expense of public transit.
And sure, I’m drawing a line here because cars are one of the precious few industries where you can still buy union-made.
Where do you draw that line?
Smell that? That’s the smell of virtue signaling. Just buy shit and drop the hypocrisy. At least the other guys is being honest.
As much as I hate Elon, this is a terrible idea. Cheap Chinese trash mobiles built by Uyghur slave labor are not the answer.
How about we build cars in Canada instead?
While there are still a lot of low quality things produced en masse in China, this take is getting more and more out of date.
South Korea and Japan used to make cheap crap too until their industrial output developed to the point the average quality was high.
We have reached this point to a certain degree with China too. Their EVs sure as hell are better than Tesla’s.
There’s a lot of high quality stuff coming out of China now, along with crap.
Except they aren’t trash, they’re better than Teslas that’s for sure.
They are still data hungry, surveillance machines that are allways online and gps tracked. We need cars without that kinda shit built in.
There has been talks about forcing Chinese cars to come over disconnected. Every new car is a surveillance machine. The western brands will not be asked to disconnect anything and it will probably be illegal to do so yourself, so Chinese cars might be an actual win in that regard.
I’de rather China have my data than an company over here. What are they gunna do with it that would affect me?
that’s exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.
What mess? American Imperialism / Capitalism imploding on itself?
A foreign power having far, far too much control over our economic possessions. Information is a resource; what they do with it is inconsequential, we have to stop giving it away to people simply because they’re our ‘trade partners’ right now.
So a direct consequence of Usamerican capitalism/Imperialism, got it.
Correlation attacks, China is king of hoovering up data.
Overly dramatic example: you are in the armed forces, you have a TikTok account, you post a bunch of shit that shows you are in the armed forces. You get deployed for some covert fuckabout and are told to leave your phone at home. You turn off your phone, pick up 3 of your buddies in your Chinese EV and drive to the base/airport/sea port. Dozens of people do this and by seeing the pattern China knows that a bunch of armed forces are being told to quietly deploy.
A less dramatic example might be figuring out where politicians are by knowing where their employees are.
Nobody hoovers up more data than the US.
Remember when Elon remotely unlocked that cybertruck recently and accessed the cameras?
We have roughly three million ways to say “US bad” right now, and you pick a less than true one.
US government data collection is not on the scale of China. The US is limited in what it gets from companies. China is absolutely not.
Yes, the US should absolutely have more data protection laws. The EU is better. China is absolutely not.
Why would I give a shit about China knowing about where murderers are?
I would be sympathetic if the Uyghur stuff was true.
Do you have any substantial sources, to objectively prove your claims? I’ve never seen anything convincing.
I’m not intending to simp for China. They are authoritarian. But I’m also not going to fall for propaganda especially if it’s false. The USA has a motive for making the masses hate China.