Almost the entire production in all areas is outsourced to China. Russia is only known for oil and its scrap technology.
China can exist without the West (apart from ASML) but the West can no longer exist without China.
I hate the translator + my phone xD
The stupid thing is that outsourcing had financial reasons… If you bring production back, the same problems arise. We have completely overslept automation and robotics and China is leading the way. As a result, they can offer much cheaper products without slave labor. Then comes the issue of democracies and laws. My home country Germany… Enercon wind energy destroyed in 2011 through industrial espionage by the USA with the help of the NSA (minor matter) but in 2012 Merkel’s CDU approved the sale of the solar division to China… Now we just have no more rights… Simply saying we’ll take it back is not compatible with democratic values and laws, except for a buyback. But the Chinese are not that stupid, they buy very well on the German market, including know-how. ( btw I am just as guilty with the political situation in my country… luckily the AfD has not made it all the way ) But of course they don’t just buy in Germany. China is not a democracy and they don’t care about it either and use it indirectly for oppression etc. But if the West acted like this, democracy would be history. Democratic countries have to stick to it, otherwise it will collapse. Unfortunately, active ways of protecting democracy itself were not considered at the time
That the hardware of American ISP’s is compromised (thus ALL traffic from America) also helps industrial espionage. Wonderful that Trump is shutting down and rolling out the red carpet for hackers.