Not interesting in traveling to States. I am poor. Americans don’t need my euros.
We DO need them, but we don’t deserve them. Canada is pretty. I honeymooned in Quebec City.
Just wait 4 years and things will get better :D
Just like going to china.
Ngl China didn’t touch my phone upon entry. Think my iris got scanned though and certainly got full palm printed.
One of the two people I know who have been to china had their phone taken for hours when they arrived. The other person reported much the same experience as you. The friend who had her phone taken was a US citizen but born of Chinese immigrants. The other who didn’t get their phone taken was not. I can’t help but think that her parents status there had something to do with.
That one born of Chinese immigrants would have been considered a citizen of China by the guards, not of the USA.
Who said anything about traveling to the US?
Easy fix for me I just won’t go.
Breaking: Trump justice dept to define eating brie as Domestic Terrorism.
This would send my wife off the deep end. Don’t do this, Orange Fat Man.
New executive order just dropped: from now on only “easy cheese”
US FDA announces easy cheese as the healthiest option for kids everywhere!
“Traveling to the US,” are you actually mad??
It’s fine, same as it always was crossing the border, just don’t fuck around lying to border guards or announce you’re taking bookings for tattoos this week in Seattle on Instagram. Basically the news has decided to publicize this shit like it wasn’t happening 2 months ago either, same as how they focus on “kids in cages” only when a republican is president or plane crashes that 2 weeks there.
I had to go for work. I have a Nexus card and traveled very low key so I didn’t have any issues. I’ve told my company that I’m not interested in traveling to the US unless absolutely necessary. I have the advantage of being a white man in my late 50s.
Don’t keep anything incriminating on your phone, yeah american border guards but also the fucking RCMP likes to grab phones.
Wondering when my publishing record qualifies me for asylum.
It’s not that uncommon for border patrol to go through your phone. I went to Canada 6-7 years ago and they went through my sister’s phone because she told them she wanted to meet a Canadian friend she had made online. Border patrol read their conversations while we waited in a confinement room. It was the last time I went to Canada
So they were trying to keep your sister from being human trafficked and you had a tantrum and refused to come back? Probably not a big loss for Canada.
No I went to Canada and had a great time. Since Canada will search your phone I calmly decided to vacation elsewhere. Really not a big deal.
Good luck finding anywhere else in the world where you aren’t subject to the search of your electronics. Canada appreciates your decision not to visit again.
Subject to and having it happen are different.
Also as a third party observer of this conversation, stop being a dick
I’ve travelled to dozens of countries and the only one where my phone was searched was the US. They searched a sanitized decoy phone. My actual phone was at home safe and sound. I didn’t cross my arms and stomp my feet and say I was never doing back because I’m not a petulant, entitled child. I understand that I am subject to the laws of the country that I’m visiting and go prepared. I think that anyone who swears that they are never going to visit a country that searched their sister’s phone to make sure she wasn’t walking into being human trafficked is someone that we can quite happily do without visiting our country.
If that’s being a dick then I’m a dick.
That’s not what makes you a dick. Your attitude, word choice, and insistence on being right is what’s making you a dick in my eyes.
However I just saw you’re an engineer so I’ll subtract 10 dick points because I know most of y’all can’t even help yourselves from thinking you’re the absolute authority on what’s right and wrong.
I’m not insisting on being right. I am right.
Cool. There really isn’t anything there worth seeing except people with beady eyes and flapping heads. Btw your maple syrup is tasteless, overpriced, and something only a douche bag would enjoy.
Why travel to that shithole.
People also travel to Pyongyang just to see just how shitty it is.
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I’d rather go there. Probably safer.
Honestly, just follow their rules and you’d probably be fine in NK. But maybe not so in the us
Travel to the US and it’s your own fault. We have been warned.
My partner is a scientist and has to travel to the US for work later this year. We’re both dreading it, given all these stories of people being detained at the border.
Are they in private or public sector? Because I can’t imagine a university or other government institution continuing to send people to America if hostilities keep increasing over the course of the year.
I’m not saying there won’t be financial consequences, but they are well within their right to refuse. I would.
Be safe.
What the actual fuck is going on with my country?!? For fuck sake, not all of us are fascist bellends.
Things are still gonna get worse, we’re not gonna get through this until their actions hurt so many people that enough of them get fed up and it leads to one of those belgrade or hungary sized protests
You’re talking about a country that largely lives with its head in the sand. America is notorious for avoiding the news, especially world news. The fact that any is ingested as all is likely thanks to social media. (Im talking large strokes, middle of the bell curve behaviors). As long as the family unit is ok, people generally think they’re ok, and live with blinders for anything outside of that. This life approach has existed long before Trump was even a blip in politics.
Remember, inertia is a seismic, global driving force of action for much of humanity.
I think it would likely take everyone’s personal house burning down in tandem to inspire mass action and those who still had houses would still function via the force of inertia propelling them through their daily habits, ignoring everyone else.
I say that as an American. I don’t like it, but it’s true. That and liberals a very un unified and tend not to like each other. A lot of gatekeeping takes place there rather than uniting and doing, always has. It’s a scattered, messy, un unified party.
In addition, there was another post made in response to a “do something” rant that I think sums up the other piece in play.
“I don’t know how to start a riot.”
Which is a fair point. How? Seriously. And where do you find people when your full personal circle is 2-7 individuals (if you have friends at all, it’s a major problem people seek therapy for these days). and half of the people who are friends with are either MAGA or a dissociated young man who spends all their free time behind a screen engaged in escapism.
We’re kinda screwed on the psychology side over here.
Generally I agree, but also I feel like we get held to a higher standard for some reason? I don’t believe the average person in China or India or wherever is significantly more informed about the news and world than we are in America. It’s just that when you have no time and energy outside of work it’s difficult to remain informed (and cross checked) about everything going on. Our orange Hitler has done like 4 things a day since being elected that could probably warrant a documentary each just to explain all the bullshit, and that’s just what’s going on here.
but also I feel like we get held to a higher standard for some reason?
I realize I discuss inertia as a driving human force a lot, but inertial force doesn’t just rule over behaviors but thinking and expectation as well.
This one is derived from that American ethos born of not just 1776 but WW2 and the post WW2 remapping of world politics, centered in the West. That’s it. We’ve been riding and reinforcing that inertial force ever since. That is simply how long and powerful inertial force can be within the context of psychology.
We The People hit a brick wall in November, but so did the rest of the world.
How that brick wall happens for individual Americans, wakes them up and energizes them instead of just making them feel tired and broken, I don’t know.
Aside regarding headlines. Germany is the classic comparison in studies. Brutal headlines and imagery are typical, even pre social media.
I feel like we get held to a higher standard for some reason?
Not really. My expectations about Americans are pretty low, and even then I’m regularly being disappointed by what I see them doing.
At minimum you guys should be held to the standards that you claim for yourselves, but that’s so much higher than I have ever seen your country achieve.
If Americans want the respect from the rest of the world that your country claims it deserves, you guys need to fix a helluva lot of things.
In your world where every group is a monolith, I guess that might make sense. 🙄 What country are you from?
A third of you are fascist bellends, a third are fighting against the fascist bellends … and a third are just standing there doing nothing.
Yeah, the non-voters are fucking worse than the Trumpers in some ways.
this is beyond voting now
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oh I voted. And dragged* all my kids to vote. And my reluctant wife. I did everything I could…
You might want to say “dragged” instead…
Well…. (I see your point).
I did everything I could…
Did you? Are you?
How often are you holding your elected officials to account?
how often are you hitting the streets protesting?
How much local and community organizing are you doing?
How much “voting with you wallet” are you doing?
Why even visit a hostile country?
They’re a scientist. Science is pretty international and often involves travelling to all sorts of countries for conferences with other researchers in your field.
not to US now, that is became pretty anti-science. stems is already suffering in many areas before trump was elected, he just made things worst.
His job sent him
This. I personally have no plan going to usa now and in the future. Unfortunately some Canadians may still have to go for work related trips. Just be aware that you may or may not need to register in the new “Alien Registration Requirement”.
Just be aware that you may or may not need to register in the new “Alien Registration Requirement”.
And if you choose wrong, they might lock you up in a
detention centerconcentration camp.
Don’t carry digital data across any border, even if encrypted. Many countries have totally different standards over search and seizure at their borders to when you have gained entry and sometimes far worse for non citizens.
Australia has full rights to search hardware on entry. Careful coming here too.
Exactly. Don’t make assumptions just because you are travelling to a “friendly” country.
A good option is backing up your data, encrypting it, then uploading to a server you can retrieve it from once you’ve crossed
Setting up some stuff might look less sus than a freshly wiped device though
america has freedom of speech but i guess not in this case.
America HAD freedom of speech. Now they’re disappearing people for it.
“Freedom of Speech” is a euphemism for hate speech and racism in the US.
Freedom of speech means whatever they want it to in that moment it seems
No need to go to the us. Fuck that hellhole.
Some of us that left still want to visit family when they’re dying