Hey folks, thanks for all of your recommendations for distros a while back. I ended up settling on Fedora KDE, and have been futzing around with it on my old laptop just for funsies.
I’ve re-encountered an old problem though. The laptop’s Caps Lock and F1 keys are busted, sending in dozens of keypresses per second even when unpressed. I solved this on windows with a bit of a headache (using a program to disable those keys), but I have no idea how to solve it in this environment. I’ve tried futzing with keyd with little success, and my search powers are really failing me here.
Any advice?
there’s multiple ways to skin this cat, but in your shoes: i would use xmodmap to remap or disable those keys.
Isn’t xmodmap specific to X11? Fedora tends to be on Wayland by default, and I’m fairly certain their KDE version is
That’s true; I haven’t modified my keyboard in decades and this shows it.