Hello all,
If this is not the right community for this question, I would be happy to be redirected elsewhere, so just let me know.
I recently configured my terminal emulator to an aesthetic that I like (custom font, coloring, shell prompt, etc) and it has made me wonder about customization in gnome.
One of the biggest things that I wish I could change in gnome is the grey-ness of the application view.
In this screenshot, you can see the familiar application view. In between the organizing folders, the desktops, and the dock, there is just so much nothing.
I am wondering if it is possible to customize this relatively easily. I would much prefer an image of my own choosing in place of this, or at least a different color from time to time.
Is anyone aware if this is configurable? I can’t seem to find an extension for this, or any real information on how you would do such a thing.
I believe it’s all in the CSS of gnome-shell.css
Awesome, thank you! Saving this comment so that I can refer to this in the future as well.
Blur my Shell will put your wallpaper there but itll be blurred. You can edit it to change the blur i think tho. This is what it looks like on mine.
Oh, that’s beautiful. Thank you!