Can blocking various tlds considered as censorship by restricing a user by saying whatever tlds they must on their domain related to blog or a lemmy instance ? Is defining a specific set of tlds as abusive accurate as anyone have the right to choose whichever tld they wanna use ?
Censorship is when the government blocks otherwise free speech.
Censorship in all the dictionaries I see don’t require it to be a government that is censoring for it to be called “censorship”.
Someone attempting to hinder someone else’s ability to reach certain information is engaging in censorship.
The discrepancy is because you looked up the noun, censorship. The censorship being referred to here is a legally defined term which is when the Government censors information;
Look up censorship in a law dictionary and you’ll see the difference.
The only type of censorship that you have protection from is from the government. For example your employer can censor you completely legally. They can tell you that you’re not allowed to say certain things and if you do you can lose your job. All of that is perfectly legal. If the government does the same thing it’s illegal.
That’s the difference. Casual censorship versus Governmental censorship.
There is no such mention by OP about the legal definition.
It’s contextual. It doesn’t have to be pointed out. If you’re talking about censorship, specifically censorship when dealing with your rights or government in general, then you’re speaking about the legal definition. Speaking about your job censoring you? The noun.
Thank you for being intelligent.
Censorship in most people’s contextual usage of it is Government censorship or protection from Government censorship–which is the only protection we have afforded to us by the Constitution.
For example you can be censored by your employer completely legally. They can tell you that you’re not allowed to say certain things and if you do you can be fired for those things completely legally. You still have the right to say them but you’re not free of consequence if you do.
The Government does not have the same right unless it deals with non-protected speech, like hate speech.