Just screw the greedy ass GPU industry and Nvidia.
Now you can play your video games with slightly better graphics you won’t actually notice while focusing on the gameplay.
Using generated frames so you can have an even faster frame rate of blurry and smeared frames and godawful raytraced jittering shadows.
Ey, you didn’t meet your quota of at least 1 AI per sentence. How are you going to sell these gpu’s now?
And if you don’t upgrade you won’t be able to play at all!
Let’s be real, they aren’t gaming gpus.
The pricing isn’t aimed at the general public though certainly some will but but the main customer for these at this pricing is business. Even at a third of the price it is hard to justify.
It has been a long time since I felt that buying a new graphics card was necessary as opposed to being a luxury. There was a time when you needed to buy a new card or you couldn’t run new games but that hardly happens now. When Gpus were quite new, as a student I was buying a new one every other year. Now it seems more like you only need to buy a new card if you are chasing ultra quality at high framerates. It’s been weird a while since I felt like graphics quality was clearly better. Maybe ray tracing was one addition that made me think there was some kind of advance, but in all truth, the baseline for graphics now is so high that it is entirely secondary to game play. When I was a kid game reviews used to have a separate score for graphics. Yes I’m old. On all of the above YMMV. So I can’t justify spending more than even $500 on a card if it is only about things looking slightly better. I will only spend on one when I have no choice now.
Hard agree. Games have looked really good for a decade. Super high fidelity graphics means super expensive development, which these days also means that the game design is geared towards anti-consumer monetisation and safe bets in terms of proven gameplay formulas.
It’s so much better just to hold onto the card that you have and enjoy the hundreds of good games that released in the past + Indies that actually innovate on gameplay.
And they’re ugly.
As long as demand remains higher than supply they can practically ask whatever price they wish and people will pay it. Disgusting, but the businesses sinking dozens of millions into GPU’s just to keep their own AI’s from going on a 4chan racism bender will eventually run into that wall. It’s a technological dead end (at least in its current iteration) and the market is “winner take all” so there will only be a few big winners while others will be left holding the bags in the end.
This is just the beginning, and the tariffs are going to hurt more than most realize. I’m shocked they were able to eat the other 5-15% in their increased cost.