They’re very portable, so you can carry them around with you in case you come up with an idea of something to write on your Tesla while you’re out and about. They stick to the surface quite well and don’t wash off in the rain.
(Please try not to succumb to the temptation to write “F**k off Nazi Scum” or similar on somebody else’s though like other people are suggesting. That might encourage people not to buy Teslas, which is a shame, because they’re great American cars.)
Why are you saying that it is okay to support Nazis if it is not financially feasible to do otherwise?
If they’ve already bought the car Elon already has their money. Buying another car because we now know what a piece of shit Elon is, doesn’t change that.
If they bought a cyber truck they are pretty much guaranteed to be a dickhead.
It means we live in a car centric society and trading in their car wouldn’t allow them to have a reliable daily with which they can go to work
Or in other, more precise words:
“It is okay to support Nazis as long as you believe you require their products or services”
What a terrible thing to say.
Fuck off dude
If it’s bought and paid for, how does it support Nazis?
How does trashing a working vehicle fight Nazis?
Are you going to donate a reliably daily to those who can’t afford a reliable daily to get by after they get rid of this Tesla?
In a car centric society, a reliable car is needed to get to work so you can have income to pay your bills and put food on the table.
If you’re willing to lose your job and income to feed yourself over a car, especially one bought before Musk stopped hiding his shittiness, go ahead.
It’s easy to ask others to sacrifice for your cause, it’s another to ask others when you don’t know anything about their life.
Don’t put words in my mouth