Can someone explain to me

  1. Why does he think Trump the yaphead would ever shut up about anything ever
  2. What good are “bilateral talks” with someone that can’t keep their word anyway ?

What is the point here trying to show everyone just how much of a illequipped, stay-the-course, liberal empty suit he is and how he’s going to boldly going to try to “do the same thing we’ve always done except not woke this time and hope it keeps working”

Don’t these people understand that the US is only good at one thing and it’s eating liberal banking stiffs alive ?

Are they trying to lose on purpose ?

  • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
    12 hours ago

    That’s exactly the kind of hedging their bets centrist bull that will lose them the election. We already know they are insincere and there won’t be negotiations because even an agreement would have no value. Give the Orange douche a bloody nose right now, rather than putting red lines he’s obviously going to cross and that will just make Canada lose face for nothing.

    • That’s exactly the kind of hedging their bets centrist bull

      Clarification required. What bets are being hedged here, regarding “there isn’t any point in bilateral talks, but let’s say we’ll do it if he shuts up about that thing that he can’t stop talking about” ? I don’t see a bet and I don’t see a hedge.

      We already know they are insincere and there won’t be negotiations because even an agreement would have no value.

      Yup, covered in “there isn’t any point in bilateral talks” above.

      rather than putting red lines he’s obviously going to cross

      Not seeing that any such “red lines” have been put in. The closest is the demand that you-know-who stop talking about you-know-what, but … a red line is “don’t do yak yak, if you do that you cross a red line and we will respond by blah blah” and in this case orange voldemort has already done yak yak and there’s no blah blah response given.

      that will just make Canada lose face for nothing.

      You’ve got a point here. But the moment that 51st state started to get mentioned, the face was lost. So in this specific category, is there really anything left to lose?

      Give the Orange douche a bloody nose right now

      Agreed! I’d argue we’re already starting to do that (e.g. Doug Ford’s electric surcharge threat).

      11 hours ago

      You keep saying he’s doing it wrong without saying what you think he (or any leader of Canada) should do. How exactly do you want him to give Trump a bloody nose and what do you think the response from the US would be?

      • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
        10 hours ago

        Forbid electricity and oil export. We can use the cheap electricity and cheap plastic, aluminium, steel production to undercut everyone else on price for manufactured goods. Then make US finance holding canadian asset squeal by throwing every trick at them until they liquidate to canadian owners at a steep discount. Mop up any unemployment with a massive housing building and infrastructure program. For the next four years, every productive investment is going to be free. Start that money printer.

        If americans look at us wrong, ration potash exports, especially during planting season.

        Also reneg that anti satellite weapon agreement and purchase 50x top of the line french launch vehicles, develop a kessler doomsday weapon thwt will make space unusable for 500 years, to be ready to launch the instant an american tank crosses tge border.

        Make national universal healthcare because provinces have trying to kill and privatize their public healthcare.

        That and massively boost trade with China, SEA Africa, BRICS everyone.

        Not that I need to provide any solution just to have the right to point out the current bad, do nothing, appeasement strategy

          5 hours ago

          Not that I need to provide any solution just to have the right to point out…

          Sure, unless you want to be taken seriously at all. Saying that a guy who is two days into his job, and starting out as a lame duck to boot, is not doing enough is pretty outlandish. Especially since he wasn’t “elected” so to speak. Making any major moves before he goes through an election would likely lose him said upcoming election, and anything he has done in that time will just get undone anyway.

          What he did do is send a clear message: we’re not interested in giving up our sovereignty and even if trump thinks it’s funny or a joke, we don’t see it that way. We will not enter any negotiations on trade until trump quits threatening our sovereignty. Period. You say we shouldn’t negotiate and trump won’t stop. So, Carney is doing exactly what you want in his opening salvo: he’s refusing to negotiate. I’m not sure what’s wrong with that based on your desires.

          The other thing this does is clear up a window for Carney to turn away from the shit show down south and start focusing on what we need to do here in Canada: start looking at new trade partners, bolstering our home economy, and getting through an election so we don’t have a lame duck trying to get things done.

          Now in terms of everything you want, well, you might want to get educated about some of these things before you act like you’ve solved the world’s problems.

          Forbid electricity and oil export. We can use the cheap electricity and cheap plastic, aluminium, steel production to undercut everyone else on price for manufactured goods.

          Electricity and oil exports don’t work that way. Exporting less isn’t going to make it cheaper for us. We will have to reduce production of both because electricity needs to be used as it’s generated, and we export our oil to the US so they can refine it to send it back to us. We just don’t have the facilities to handle the capacity (for electricity or oil) that the US takes. This is the same problem with aluminum and steel that has the auto industry freaking out. And we can’t just build such facilities overnight.

          Mop up any unemployment with a massive housing building and infrastructure program.

          I would be very surprised if a housing building program wasn’t already on the docket, with or without trump’s bullshit. Not sure if single-handedly solves unemployment though.

          If americans look at us wrong, ration potash exports, especially during planting season.

          American farmers are already getting fucked by trump. I don’t think he would care if we piled on. He’d just use it as an excuse to justify whatever else he can dream up to fuck with us, and then deflect and blame us for all the fucking of the American farmers.

          Also reneg that anti satellite weapon agreement…

          Not sure how quickly this kessler doomsday idea can be hashed out. I’ve never heard of it and it sounds, uh, unhinged. Maybe that’s a good way to deal with trump though. He seems to respect insanity.

          Make national universal healthcare because provinces have trying to kill and privatize their public healthcare.

          Really not sure how you can expect him to be jumping in with changes to the healthcare system this quick. That said, you’re right, Carney is probably not the one you’re looking for. Nor is the Liberal party in general.